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Importance of Conversion Tracking

January - 2024 /

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10 reasons you cannot overlook conversion tracking

Converting website visitors into customers is digital marketing’s ultimate objective. After all, what good is having website visitors if they never pick up what you’re putting down? To do this you need to create content, post socials, run SEO campaigns and more. But to ensure these elements are working you have to measure their results through conversion tracking!

Conversion tracking is where you see what is working and what can be given the flick. You can achieve outstanding results through monitoring your content, landing pages, prospect creation, social media management and more, but you must always know which of these are captivating customers.

If you have been in the digital marketing game for a while you will already know that you are receiving online leads. But where are they coming from and why? Knowing exactly which channels are turning prospects into customers is one of the most fundamental-yet-overlooked digital marketing essentials.

Conversion tracking incorporates tracking mechanisms to know which actions users take on your website. This can include anything from clicking on a webpage to signing up for your newsletter and even buying products. Conversions are essentially any positive action taken on your website so it is imperative that you know which are working so that you can expand on their goodness.

Here are 10 essential reasons why you must integrate conversion tracking into
your digital marketing campaign today:

  1. You can track your ROI

    Perhaps one of the most imperative metrics is knowing how much it costs to convert a visitor into a customer. But the only way to really know the answer is through conversion tracking. Conversion tracking shows you exactly what you gain from your digital endeavours and how much each click is costing in relation to how much of those clicks are becoming sales!

  2. You can improve your digital campaign

    You should never run a campaign without knowing where it can improve. If you have created a strategic element (i.e. social media campaign) without knowing how well it is doing then your efforts might be fruitless! Therefore, it is imperative to see where your efforts are winning and where they could improve. For example:

    1. Run your social media campaign
    2. Collect results through platform metrics
    3. See if the campaign is achieving success
    4. If not, work to improve it through A/B testing
    5. Save time and effort by ditching the campaign if it remains fruitless.
  3. You can identify winning content

    Now that you’ve optimised your social media strategy it’s important to know what comes next. Why not repurpose winning content? If it has already achieved amazing results why not use it again to greater effect? After all, you might already have many more followers, and these followers will likely be seeing your repurposed content for the first time.

    But we’re not saying simply repost the same content: we said repurpose for a reason. You can even turn a successful Instagram story image into anything from a blog to an email campaign – the possibilities are myriad! Tracking your content conversions is the best way to build on popular pre-produced content.

    This is content that is likely to continue bringing in the goods for your business.

  4. Improve your audience segmentation

    Audience segmentation is imperative to digital success. It helps you send specific content to targeted subgroups within your overall audience. This prevents certain subgroups from receiving content they don’t resonate with and potentially unfollowing your brand. Through analysing your conversions in relation to specific subgroups (i.e. age-related subgroups) you can better target those subgroups with content that they resonate with.

    For example, you created an email campaign that clearly resonates with customers between 20 and 30 years old. But you also see that this campaign has failed to captivate customers between the ages of 40 and 50. You will now be able to custom create a subgroup of 20-30 year olds that receive similar content whilst co-creating email content that is more suitable for customers between the ages of 40 and 50.

    Doing this will resonate with both audience subgroups and can only be done through conversion tracking!

  5. You can better utilise your marketing budget

    One of the worst things about avoiding conversion tracking is eventually realising that elements of your marketing budget are going to waste. What’s more, realising that you can save big on your market budget through conversion tracking is an imperative all business owners should seriously consider.

    You can easily save on your digital campaign through knowing what campaign elements are working and those that simply have to go. Think about it: imagine putting time, money and resources into a social media campaign that you never analysed? You will never see if it is generating conversions and simply assume that it is creating sales.

    But one day you might decide to analyse the campaign and find that it has been failing for months! That’s serious time and money down the gurgler.

    Instead, you should analyse that campaign’s conversion rate from the get-go, seeing if you can use your budget to improve it or direct your capital into a new, smarter campaign.

  6. Create a better website user experience

    Conversion rate tracking is easily one of the most effective ways to analyse a landing page’s success. Therefore, you must collect landing page conversion rate statistics to ensure that the page is helping generate sales. Conversion rate tracking helps improve your website’s user experience for new and existing customers.

    Therefore, using landing page conversion rate analysis will help improve your website and decrease your bounce rate. What’s more, it will improve your customer journey which will lead to more visitors clicking through to a purchase page.

    Conversion rate tracking will help ensure that you have a flawless user experience that breezily carries your customers along their journey to making a purchase. Without using conversion rate tracking to analyse your user experience you might never know which part of the website is hindering your sales and this can cost you big time.

  7. Convert more (obviously!)

    No way! Really? Yes, analysing your conversion rate will obviously help you convert more. After all, there is a wealth of metrics at your disposal that will help you analyse which elements of your overall campaign are generating sales and which are falling at the wayside.

    In fact, collecting and analysing your conversions is the only way to improve them. If you’re one of the many business owners who is unsatisfied with their conversion rate then it might be necessary to take your data analysis to the next level.

    You can do this yourself or you can enlist the experts. Naturally, the experts have the skills, experience and terminology to effectively analyse your conversion rate and what is getting the job done. They will see which aspects of your campaign are working well and what can use improvement.

    They will then provide you with sound advice that will help you direct your marketing budget into channels that are bound to receive a greater ROI.

  8. Create captivating content

    Consistently analysing your content’s conversion rate is a surefire way to fortify it for future campaigns. It can be difficult to create targeted campaigns when you first enter the online arena. However, the more data you collect the easier it will become to gain insights into customers and their engagement with your brand.

    You will collect data that will better help you understand your client and what they want from your brand. Once you know more about your customer psyche you will then be able to create intelligent content campaigns that resonate with them like never before!

  9. Historical data for future wins

    You can always improve your digital campaign. But you need the conversion metrics to know where you can optimise future campaigns to produce greater results. After all, there is absolutely no point in going through your online sales career without ever considering conversion data – you will simply never expand your business to its fullest potential. Having the historical data ready for analysis will help you use that data to create a conversion rate and generate more sales in the future.

  10. You will have expert advice

    Conversions are your digital campaign’s core structure. Without them your online business would get lost in the shadowy realms of digital mediocrity (harsh, but true!). But it can be difficult for business owners to put aside the time to analyse their conversion metrics when they have so much to focus on with daily business operations.

    By enlisting professional digital marketers you will maximize your digital marketing impact with effective conversion tracking. For expert guidance on harnessing this powerful tool, call us at 1300 663 995 or fill our contact form. Let’s transform your strategy into measurable success and drive more conversions for your business.

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