Search Engine

Get more traffic, more leads, more revenue


Get more traffic, more leads, more revenue

WME is Australia’s preeminent SEO agency. For 16 years we have propelled businesses up the search engine results pages (SERPs) with skill and precision. We cover all essential search engine elements to ensure our valued clients are equipped with the content required to achieve outstanding search engine results. We have a profound knowledge of each of the imperative search engines (it goes further than Google!) and can leverage them to your business’s lucrative advantage.

Our agency does this through an intelligent process that elicits your brand’s perfect keywords. Next, we formulate those keywords into creatively intelligent web content that makes it easy for search engines to find your website and determine your product. The ability for search engines to easily categorise your website is imperative for them to reward your brand with a higher SERP ranking.

Our agency experts will happily make that happen for your brand. We love working with new clients who have a brand new vision for their search engine marketing. We will consult with you regarding your brand and business objectives before going to work on creating a campaign that optimises your brand and its product/service.


Keywords Ranked


Marketing Strategies Deployed


Websites Built

$100 Million+

Ad-spend Managed


  • Organically rank higher on Google searches
  • Competitor analysis and keyword research
  • Australia’s largest keyword database
  • A strategy to engage your target audience
  • Direct relevant traffic to your website
  • Monthly benchmark and progress reports
  • A dedicated Account Manager


Google is the biggest search engine in Australia, and the data tells a compelling story:

  • Businesses on the first page of search results reap 70% of Google’s internet traffic
  • 30% of total traffic is taken by the business ranking at number one
  • Organic search results earned through SEO are 8.5 times more likely to be viewed than paid ads

A campaign led by our agency experts will help you to be seen as the best and get on the first page of Google, so that you can be heard above the noise in Australia and beyond. You can’t afford not to be there – especially when your competition already is.†SEO services are not verified or endorsed by Google.

Free Consultation


Effective SEO requires industry experts who have the knowledge and experience to adapt your campaign, whether it is a Local SEO campaign or Nation-wide targeted SEO to keep up with the latest Google algorithm updates. We continually invest into research and development to ensure we stay at the cutting-edge of digital marketing, giving our consultants the tools and data to consistently achieve results for your business. We continually invest into research and development to ensure we stay at the cutting-edge of digital marketing, giving our consultants the tools and data to consistently achieve results for your business.

Increase Revenue
Driven by Passion

Nothing is more rewarding than seeing your sales skyrocket – your success is truly our success.

Competitive Edge

Our extensive resources and unique technology give your business the best competitive edge.

Run by Experts

Our experienced consultants give your campaign a roadmap to get the bigger slice of the pie.


Be the next success story

Get in touch



SEO is the process of improving your website’s visibility to potential customers. SEO is about creating an easy solution for customers to find your website on search engines like Google. The ultimate aim of SEO is to place your website ahead of your competitors when customers search for your product or service.

WME incorporates a series of practices to improve your website’s search visibility. This includes keyword research, high quality website content, technical optimisation and link building. When combined, search engines place a value on your efforts and will reward you by placing you higher on the search engine results pages (SERPs).

WME has found that it typically takes a minimum of three months to see fantastic ranking results. This is because we provide a comprehensive SEO service that covers high quality content, technical elements, link building and other imperative building blocks.

However, the number of months it takes to rank can vary depending on whether your industry has a high rate of competition. Regardless, our experts will keep you updated all the way as we chart your progress towards SEO success!

High quality content is essential to your business’s SEO success. This is because search engines place a lot of value on a website with high quality content. It shows that your business is an industry authority and that you take pride in your website. Furthermore, it makes it easier for search engine “trawlers” to pinpoint keywords, comprehend your website and reward it accordingly.

The price of SEO varies for each business because each business has its own unique set of goals and success requirements. Each SEO campaign must be personalised to the business’s target demographic, market standing and competition, and this is why price structures vary between businesses.

Upon consultation with our experts, we will be able to provide you with a clear idea of how much it will cost to take your website to the top of search engine rankings. It is important to remember that creating a successful SEO campaign takes time and that your website is in the hands of experienced professionals who know what it takes to create this success.

Generating leads that become sales is the key objective of SEO services. Your business has a massive target audience waiting online to find the product/service you have to offer. But without a comprehensive SEO campaign it is unlikely you are reaching the target audience you need to generate massive sales.

WME – as one of Australia’s premier SEO agencies – knows exactly how to leverage the power of SEO to generate leads and sales for your business. Our in-house team of keyword researchers, content writers, link builders, technicians and more can ensure that your website receives the leads it needs to make higher sales.

You can try, but it’s important to understand that SEO is a profound field with various, academically-trained professions. This is why digital marketing agencies like WME have various team members working under subcategories of SEO like keyword research, content production, link building, web development and more.

The problem many business owners encounter when attempting SEO themselves is that it quickly becomes overwhelming. Unfortunately, this can lead to many business owners abandoning their efforts which, consequently, can lead to their website quickly falling behind and their efforts being in vain.

Therefore, it is always recommended that you enlist the experts to create a comprehensive SEO campaign.

You can leave that up to us. Our SEO experts provide monthly reporting in which we track your success. This includes reporting on the things that are working well in the process of climbing the search engine results pages and the elements that could use some tweaking.

The quickest and easiest way to see if your SEO is working yourself is through checking its position in the search engine results pages (SERPs). You can also use Google Search Console to track the position of the particular keywords you’ve enlisted to rank your website.

But, as we said, we will provide you with monthly reporting, in which your dedicated account manager will talk you through your results and how well your SEO campaign is going.

Many business owners find in-house SEO too demanding to balance with daily business operations. SEO is a complex and profound field that takes years to master just one element of its practices e.g. link building. Therefore, we recommend enlisting our SEO services to achieve true SEO success.

We will handle all imperative SEO elements including keyword research, content production, link building, technical aspects, social media, web development and more. This way, you can trust that your SEO process is in safe, highly skilled hands whilst allowing you to focus more on your business’s daily operations!

An SEO traffic guarantee is one that stipulates an SEO agency can deliver particular results in a specific timeframe.

Backlinks are one of the most important SEO ranking factors. Search engine trawlers see backlinks as something that provides your website greater authority and credibility. It shows that your website is an industry authority and that prospects can trust your business to provide them with their specific request.

What’s more, backlinks help grow organic web traffic as prospects can click on the links to be directed to your website. Finally, having backlinks located within the same industry increases your business’s relevance, another aspect that search engines value.

There are a number of state of the art tools enlisted to provide SEO audits, including:

● Semrush Site Audit Tool
● Semrush On Page SEO Checker
● Google Search Console
● Google PageSpeed Insights
● Ahrefs Site Audit

The WME digital marketing experts are adept at using myriad site audit tools to analyse your website’s SEO success.

This all depends on what you’re trying to sell. Push marketing is ideal for businesses looking to sell a product that is already familiar amongst its target audience. Conversely, pull marketing is perfect for businesses looking to spread awareness about a new product or service.

WME – as Australian digital marketing pioneers – can help you determine which type is ideal for your business. Once this is determined we will then go to work on producing a marketing campaign that falls under this category.

A Google algorithm update is when Google changes what metrics are required to rank a website. For example, one noticeable algorithm update of recent times was the spam update which was developed to better detect website spam and penalise websites accordingly.

Search intent, or “user” intent, is the reason why a prospect searches for your product/service. There are numerous types of search intent, including:

● Commercial intent: When a user is thinking about buying a product but just needs a little extra coaxing;

● Transactional intent: This is when a user makes a search inquiry with a clearly-defined goal of buying a product;

● Informational intent: This is when a user searches for a specific product with the intention of learning more about that product – they may not even necessarily want to buy it.

● Navigational intent: This is when a user searches for a website that can navigate them to the destination they are looking to reach i.e. a local directory website to find cafes.

Link building is the process of increasing the amount and quality of inbound links to a website page. Link building is an essential part of SEO and – when partnered with other SEO practices – can help your website climb the search engine results pages (SERPs).

There are a range of different ways WME attains high quality links from external websites. We have a dedicated link building team that can ensure your website receives high quality links whilst improving its overall SEO performance.

SEO is the overall set of practices incorporated to climb the SERPs. Conversely, PPC allows business owners to pay search engines like Google to place their ads at the top of search engines. Business owners will pay search engines each time their ad is clicked and in return receive fast visibility and quick returns.

The key difference between SEO and PPC lies in what the business owner wants to achieve. SEO can help you create a long-term strategy that will receive robust organic traffic for a cost-efficient price. Conversely, PPC is ideal for businesses looking for quick wins on a bigger budget.

Ultimately, the decision is yours, but many business owners combine the two processes and with fantastic results.

In the digital era, most people do their searching for products and services online. Therefore, if you don’t have a highly-visible website then you are likely falling behind the competition. Whether it’s local SEO to attract a nearby audience, or SEO to make global sales, your business needs a website that will attract customers and drive sales.

Any business within an industry that has an online target demographic can benefit from enlisting SEO services. This service is imperative for business owners looking to reach their audience where they are most likely searching for your product/service – online.

Therefore, if you believe you could reach a greater audience and drive higher sales with a successful SEO campaign, then your business can likely benefit from enlisting SEO services.

Without SEO a website is nothing but a flat tire on a sandy path – useless. SEO practices are enlisted to propel your website up the SERPs and place it above the competition. Websites need SEO practices like keyword research, content product, link building and social media to improve your website’s visibility and credibility in the eyes of search engine trawlers.

WME is the team to propel your website up the SERPs. Many business owners find attempting SEO themselves to be far too complex and time-consuming, and this can deter them from attempting to climb the search engine rankings. Our experts can cover all the necessary bases for you and with great precision.

Of course! WME has created thousands of successful e-commerce websites across countless product industries. What’s more, if you have a pre-existing e-commerce website that you want to climb the search engine rankings, we can help you there, too.

WME is one of Australia’s go-to e-commerce digital marketing agencies. We have a profound understanding of e-commerce platforms like Shopfiy, Squarespace, Wix and more, and we will be happy to help optimise your e-commerce website so that you win more customers and make more sales.

We invite you to ask us the following questions when consulting with our experts:

1. What SEO strategies do you enlist to climb search engine results pages?
2. Are you sure this will work for my business?
3. How often will you provide me with progress reports?
4. What tools do you use to develop SEO?
5. How will I be involved in the process?

Of course, deciding what to ask our team is largely dependent on what you want to achieve through enlisting our service. These five questions are a great place to start but be sure to define some of your own before consulting with WME as this can help us understand the kind of success you want to achieve!

We believe it’s important to conduct your own research before enlisting an SEO company. This includes reading Google reviews and client testimonials as well as asking the prospective agency the questions you need to feel comfortable enlisting said company. A highly skilled and reputable SEO company should have no trouble answering any questions you present to them as this shows that they are an industry authority with a profound knowledge of their craft.

Domain authority is an SEO ranking score that predicts a website’s ability to rank in search engine results pages (SERPs). Websites receive a domain score based upon various factors including total number of links and linking root domains.

It is important to note that domain authority was developed by Moz and does not have an actual impact on your website’s SEO ranking. Instead, it is a score given to websites to predict how likely it is to rank within its specific industry.

White hat SEO is using ethical industry practices like keyword research, content production, link building and web development to achieve a higher SEO ranking. Conversely, black hat SEO is using nefarious SEO practices like comment spam, keyword stuffing and “sneaky redirects” to climb the SERPs.

WME guarantees that it only enlists white hat SEO practices as using black hat SEO practices would be detrimental to our clients and ourselves!

We’re not going to sugar coat it – Google penalties can be a nightmare. However, our professionals are skilled and experienced in helping businesses recover from these unwanted penalties. This is because we understand that there can be mistakes and unfortunate occurrences for business owners in the SEO arena – we’re here to help you recover!

Absolutely not. It makes zero sense for WME to implement black hat SEO tactics as this would not only be detrimental to your business but it would also have a negative impact on us.

Topical authority is your website’s ability to present itself as industry authority. You want to present your brand as a credible industry voice and this is done through the creation of high quality content like blogs, eBooks, social media and videos – all of which the WME team can create for you!