Paid Search and
Pay per click (PPC)

Jump ahead of your competition & grow your sales.


Jump ahead of your competition and grow your sales with WME’s paid search advertising service. Our experts are equipped with the skills and knowledge to place your advertisement in front of your target audience and have them clicking through to your website. This is one of the most effective ways to generate awesome digital results. We produce ad copy that captivates your customer into making a fast purchase decision.

What’s more, we engage in intelligent keyword research and bidding to ensure that you target the right keywords for the right audience. This is part of our commitment to being Australia’s preeminent paid search advertising provider and we will do the same for your brand.







  • Define your target demographics
  • Get in front of relevant, ready-to-buy customers
  • Optimise your ad for location
  • Dedicated Account Manager
  • Regular updates, reports and results
  • Work within a budget that suits you
  • Expert advice that will maximise every dollar spent


Burning through your budget and not getting results? PPC is a powerful sales tool for your business but can be complicated, time consuming and expensive if it’s not your area of expertise. Our PPC Specialists are experts in Google and Bing ads and will ensure you get the best return on advertising spend and be at the top of search results.


What You Get With Our Ad Service:


• Define your target demographics: Our paid advertising experts know exactly how to define and reach your target audience. Through intelligent marketing initiatives we will locate the people who want your bring with skill and efficiency.


• Get in front of relevant, ready-to-buy customers: Our paid advertising process ensures that your ads are placed in front of the people who want what you have to offer. This is done through intelligent keyword placement in captivating ad content that immediately entices the customer to buy your product.


• Work within a budget that suits you: The great thing about paid search advertising is that you can set a budget that works for you. Regardless of its size, this budget can then be intelligently used to connect with your target audience and drive conversions.

• Optimise your advert for location: We have the perfect strategy for businesses looking to thrive on the local or national scene. Through targeting local keywords with creative content we will deliver your product offering to a local audience that will buy online or in-store.


• Dedicated Account Manager: Our awesome account managers are committed to ensuring you are up-to-date with all of your campaign successes. They will touch bases with you to chat about your campaign’s reach and ensure that you are satisfied with the campaign’s progress.


• Expert advice that will maximise every dollar spent: Our professionals know exactly how to maximise your return on investment. This is done through intelligent keyword research, content and bidding, and our experts know how to optimise each of these essential processes.

Why PPC is # 1 In Delivering Immediate Results

Google and Bing are the top two search engines in the world, and the data tells a compelling story.

An ad in the first position gets an average click-through-rate of 7%

70% of mobile searchers call a business directly from Google Search

PPC has a 54% success rate while local tv ads only have a 1% success rate

5% of people can’t tell the difference between Organic and Paid results

Google Display Network serves 180 billion views a month


Google Ads

Get ahead of your competitors and in front of customers by being at the top of Google search engine. Even if you are starting out, a strategic Google Ads campaign ensures your business is found at the right time, when people are ready to buy. We have the expertise and technology to maximise.

Youtube & Performance Max Ads

Extend your reach across the entire google network. Your ads will display everywhere. This could be when someone is viewing YouTube, on a website that utilises Google display network, in Google search results, in gmail and more.

Google Shopping

Show off your products with an image-rich ad popping up on search results pages. Our Google Shopping Services gets users looking at what you’ve got to offer before they’ve even clicked on your site. This means less dead-end clicks and more profit-soaring conversions.

Remarketing & Display Ads

Deliver your display advertisements across a vast selection of websites. These websites can be chosen based on relevance and demographics, so your message is displayed to the right people. Additionally, Google Remarketing targets users who have visited the site


15% of total Australian searches

The number of customers with Bing as their search engine of choice is more than you’d think, and adoption is steadily increasing. Bing accounts for 15% of total Australian searches, which can make a decent dent in your leads target.

An affluent audience

A third of Bing users have an income of $100k and are mostly an older and highly educated audience. This is huge for businesses whose target audience fit this demographic; your most profitable leads could come from Bing!

Target Better

Bing Ads offer users the ability to control which gender and age demographics see your search ads, which can make a huge difference to the quality of your leads. Demographic targeting can be controlled at either the campaign or ad group level within Bing Ads.

Lower cost per click (CPC)

Advertising on the Microsoft Search Network generally garners a lower cost per click (CPC), so you can allocate a smaller percentage of your digital spend on Bing. Potentially seeing a lower overall spend and a higher ROI on paid search.

Want To Get Started with Our Experts?

Your journey to paid advertising success starts with WME. Our highly profoundly skilled PPC team is here to put your brand at the top of the search engine results pages (SERPs). What’s more, they love consulting with new clients and discussing how they would like to convey their brand in the most captivating of ways.

Simply get in contact with our team to start this awesome journey. Call us on 1300 161 424 or send us an inquiry message via our contact page. We will get in contact with you shortly to discuss your future PPC campaign and how it can achieve immediate, highly lucrative results.



Paid search – or pay-per-click campaigns (PPC) – is a digital marketing strategy that allows businesses to pay search engines like Google to place their ad at the top of search engine results. Every time a user clicks on your PPC ad you will pay a small amount to the search engine on which it is published.

PPC is ideal for businesses who want to achieve fast and high visibility to a highly specific target demographic. The goal is for the potentially-higher number of page clicks to result in increased sales. It can provide your website with a quick and easy way to promote brand exposure and produce quick sales.

If you are looking to achieve fast results without all the competition then paid search can be perfect for you. It is a fantastic way for websites to reach their target audience in a fast and highly-specified manner. It’s for these reasons that many business owners prefer using paid search in conjunction with a robust organic search campaign.

WME can help your website achieve fast results with our comprehensive paid search campaigns. This includes creating the advertising material necessary for users to click through to your website once they come across the advertisement.

This all depends on your budget and what you are looking to achieve. Paid search can be more expensive but provide faster results. SEO, conversely, is generally more cost-effective but with the aim of creating a long-term standing within the search engine results pages (SERPs).

If you have a digital marketing budget then we definitely recommend enlisting both methodologies. This way you can achieve quick results without the competition whilst slowly cementing your website as a mainstay in the organic search results.

SEM is “search engine marketing” – the overall process of increasing your website’s search engine visibility through paid advertising. SEM is an umbrella term that encompasses PPC – paying search engines like Google to place your website’s ad higher in the search engine rankings.

WME – as one of Australia’s premier digital marketing agencies – is an expert in providing comprehensive SEM services (including PPC) to your business. We can ensure that your website has a robust SEM campaign that can achieve fast and powerful results through paid advertising.

Yes, Google paid search is definitely worth it for businesses looking to create maximum visibility to a highly-relevant target audience. What’s more, their flexibility (including ability to start, stop and pause a campaign) allow for you to have maximum control over your paid search budget. They can provide an incredible return on investment and for this reason many business owners love using paid search advertising.

Whilst paid search doesn’t directly impact your website’s SEO ranking, it does have an indirect effect on it. For example, if you run a highly successful PPC campaign that wins a lot of return customers then your website’s organic ranking will rise, too. This is why we recommend having both methodologies enlisted in your overall digital marketing campaign.